The DZ-1011 Block Signals Detectors are dwarf-style block signals that feature red and green LEDs and function both as a signal and as an optical detector of passing trains. Multiple units can be connected so signals change from green to red simultaneously. The DZ-1011 Block Signal Detectors are used to trigger both the DZ-1010 Crossing Gates and the DZ-1020 Crossing Signals and can be used to drive the DZ-1008 Relay Module. DZ-1011 Block Signal Detectors are sold in pairs.
• For S guage - sink base into table layout.
• Realistic scale proportions
• Optical detection of train on adjacent track
• Realistic, long-life, red and green LED signals
• Can be used as block signals and as train detectors
• Can be used with DZ-1008 Relay Module to operate other accessories
• Connected units change to RED simultaneously when train is detected.